1750-1850 Racism

From 1750-1850, racism was a main factor for African Americans. At this time most African Americans were slaves. African Americans in the North were freed men but still did not enjoy the rights of white men. Despite these hardships, people found a way to escape and find paths to freedom. Many abolitionists created the Underground Railroad to find freedom. There about 500-1000 deaths during the Underground Railroad. The South lost an estimate of 100,000 slaves between 1810-1850.

During this time between 1830-1860, abolitionists started a network called the Underground Railroad(UGGR). The UGGR helped enslave African Americans by escaping to house that were safe and to eventually free territories. One of the most famous conductors of the Underground Railroad is Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was a hero during this period because she used the Underground Railroad to save over 300 slaves.


This picture shows Harriet Tubman(far left) and her family that she helped save during this period. After Tubman escaped, the following year she returned to Maryland and assisted her sister and her sisters two children to freedom. After she rescued her sister she made another trip back to the south to rescue her brother and two other men. Soon after she went to rescue her husband to find out that he had married another woman. As you can see in this picture they all miserable and look like they do a lot of work in a day.

Throughout history African Americans have gone through a great amount of stress and cruelty. About 10,000 African American slaves died during 1750-1850. During this time period, other ethnicity’s also experienced racism. For example, how the Chinese immigrants worked on the railroads(transcontinental railroad). Many Chinese died working on the railroads. The Irish were discriminated just for being Catholic and Protestant.




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1 Response to 1750-1850 Racism

  1. mlmuntz says:

    Some grammatical errors. Overall pretty good.

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